Sunday, May 13, 2007

promotional mix

In class we discussed the promotional aspects of marketing and different approaches companies can take in order to keep up with the technilogical advancements. The days of giving away free logo embroided calendars are a day of the past. You can now download calendars for your desktop to alert you of important dates. It will also remind you to buy/use that companies product. Companies need to give interactive media that allow the users to gain something from the promotion. Free trials have become a great way of getting users to become invovled with the product and establish some brand loyalty along the way. Skype is a great example of this. By providing free trials of skype you will tell your friends to download the free trial so you can talk to eachother for free. You will then realize you can talk to anyone around the globe at a realativly low price and upgrade to the version where you pay money. This is the hope of the company. I myself am getting hooked on skype. My friend is studying abroad in Ireland right now and I am able to talk to him on skype. Will I buy the premium version? Possibly? If businesses keep throwing usefull stuff at me I definatly am more inclined to purchase something from them.


Eric B said...

I cannot agree more with you Jared, giving out free trials of software definately makes consumers happy. The advertising is consistently given everytime the program is used, which pays for the cost of providing a free program. I have used Skype before and I love it. In addition, I use Bearshare and Weatherbug, two programs I use everyday that offer both a free version with advertisements and a pay premium version with more features and less ads. But hey..i'm a college student, i can put up with the ads if the program is free.

Ally said...

I agree with both of you. I also have skype on my computer (the free one of course haha) because my friend was studying abroad in Spain for the semester. Having the free version is great to be able to test out the software and I must agree with Jared that there is a much better chance of me buying the product.