Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wikipedia change

For BUAD 477 we must also edit four wikipedia articles throughout the semester. My articles are Wawa food markets, Point of Sale systems, the Bob Carpenter Center and Dee Jaying. The first article I edited was the Wawa one. I added some information about why a goose was chosen as their logo. I Added it is said that the goose was chosen because the company employs the principles of teamwork, group consensus and encouragement which is found among the geese community. For some reason it isnt showing up on the site but hopefully it will soon.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

2nd introductory post

Oops!In my last blog it looks like I was supposed to write an explanation on the purpose of this blog. Well this is for my information technology class but the applications of blogs extend far beyond the class room. Im beginning to understand how blogs help to create a global community and allow for instant access to others thoughts and opinions on a variety of things. Here is a link to our Class blog
. Enjoy.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Puppy Love

I recently got a new puppy.Her name is Calah and she is 6 weeks old right now. Here is a pic. She is an Akita doberman mix and shes gonna be a big one. I was hoping someone in this class or anyone who reads this might have some advice for a new dog owner. So let me know. Thanks all.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Hello everyone. I never thought I would become a blogger but thanks to BUAD 477 here I am. My name is Jared Wagman if you couldnt tell from the link you probably just clicked on. I am from Bucks County, Pennsylvania which is thirty minutes north of Philadelphia. I am a junior marketing major here at UDEL. I have become involved with this new website that everyone should check out. ..COLLEGE WEB.. ENJOY