Friday, March 2, 2007

Doing Business in Your Bathrobe

I was sitting around in my Pjs and came across an blog that actually talked about a Holiday for doing business in your bathrobe. I was participating in a holiday and I didn't even know it. The blog was an interview on the Diva Marketing site that discussed an internet site called WEBMOMZ. Kristie Tamsevicius is the creator and said she made the website for moms who want to make money on the internet from home. She said she wanted to come up with a celbration for anyone who was a home business owner. This celebration would become a "holiday" where people wear their bathrobe on february 12th and basqe in the glory of being able to sit in your Pjs and conduct business as usual. This "holiday" serves as a marketing strategy to attract people to her website where they can learn more about becoming an entrepruner or just get some tips about internet business. The interviewer asks Kristie what are some ways an entrepruner might promote his own marketing "holiday." Kristie responded by saying you need a big idea that gets peoples attentions. Secondly , finding a sponser will give amazing credibility to your idea. Third , find a way that people can be part of it. She suggested BLOGGING. She said that bloggers have done a great deal in spreading word of her holiday and in turn her website. In class we learned that Viral Marketing is key in getting customers to engage with other customers and spread the word about a product or idea. From there marketers can check the blogs to see how their product is holding up in the eyes of the consumers because most blogs are customers gut feelings and they usually don't hold back. This inisight is extremely hard to get by other means of marketing research. Blogs make it almost too easy.

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